VAN, 03:42 AM
VAN, 03:42 AM

Sandy Heslop for Game Developer: Game Trailers and the Art of Storytelling

Sandy Heslop for Game Developer: Game Trailers and the Art of Storytelling

Making a game trailer is like making music: you have to decide what kind of piece you want to write. Is it a ballad? A punk track? How will you play with tempo? What emotions do you want to evoke?

Some trailers stick in our brains forever. Take the cinematic trailer for the first Assassin’s Creed, or Gears of War’s iconic ‘Mad World’ trailer

Both were inaugural games of franchises that went on to have huge cultural impact. But when working with IP that is already iconic, the rules of the game change. 

Sandy Heslop, Head of CG at Heroic (our Trailers & Cinematics studio), knows a thing or two about making trailers for beloved franchises. He led the creation of Heroic’s trailer for RoboCop: Rogue City

Sandy just wrote an article for Game Developer in which he explores:

  • How Heroic made a game trailer inspired by an all-time-great cult film
  • What makes some trailers more memorable than others
  • How to do fan service properly

Read the full piece here!

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